Privacy Policy

Who we are

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Your Data

Taxi Taxi Braintree website uses a few different online tools which stores some of your information when using the site. You can contact us directly via email if you want to discuss how your information is used. We will never sell your data and will only use it for contact and analytic purposes. However we do use google webmaster tools which is a 3rd party company and they will have access to general analytic data when browsing the site. Our contact forms are stored internally and will not be shared by us. If you would like to request we delete your data simply let us know and we’ll be sure to remove any information you’ve shared with us via our contact forms.

Please understand we did not create the features on this website but we will always do our best to help you with any data queries. If you do not agree to this please do not use our website unless you know how to disable cookies and don’t intend to submit any information us.

We take securing confidential details very seriously and will adhere to a high standard when handling your data.

Please don’t hesitate to speak to us about your privacy.